Helping Pregnant and Postpartum Moms Build Their Mental Health Muscles

Postpartum Mental Health Resources

Welcome! I help moms and parents gain access to
mental health educational resources
during pregnancy and postpartum.

Because moms are gonna mom,
and they need to know that wanting relief is okay.

Let me help you get started. 

Welcome New and Been-Around-the-Block Moms!

Postpartum Mental Health MKE was created because there is a SERIOUS lack of understanding, support, and access to resources available to support moms’ and non-birthing parents’ mental health.

New moms face challenges that are significant, under-supported, and weirdly not talked about.

That’s why I’ve used my education and expertise in the field to start developing content and resources specifically for moms and birthing parents in the perinatal period, creating tools I wish I had for myself and the people in my community. 

Jordan Olsen LCSW, PMH-C

Is a licensed therapist and perinatal mental health specialist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Let’s get you the information you need and deserve NOW!

  • Testimonials

    “Mama Mental Health 101 Course is an empowering, unbiased, evidence-based resource for all parents and parents-to-be. Jordan is authentic, inviting, and incredibly knowledgeable. The course follows a very logical and digestible flow that builds upon itself. Jordan does a fantastic job of reinforcing the mind-body connection. She makes the rationale and intention for each technique clear and gives real-life examples of how to integrate them. This course offers many valuable tools and techniques that can be implemented immediately. I truly can't recommend this course enough. Any and every mama and mama-to-be (partners included) could benefit from this exceptional resource!”

Check me out in Everyday Health:

“5 Ways Journaling Can Help You Cope With Big Life Changes”.

In it I share some helpful journaling prompts to for pregnancy and postpartum

Check Out Free Resources!

Check Out Free Resources! ⋆

New Moms!
Looking for a way to strengthen your
mental health
now that baby is in the picture?

Look no further, my friend.

Mama Mental Health 101
is a self-paced, online course to help strengthen your mental health foundation during
pregnancy and the transition to parenthood.

Interested in journaling
as a form of
self-care and emotion regulation?

Moms Who journal is a 13-page digital workbook of journaling prompts with bonus resources designed specifically for mamas.
This workbook has 6 sections with numerous prompts, each with a specific emotion or area that can be particularly hard during motherhood.

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